17 Oct

Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side

Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.

Leave to thy God to order and provide;

In every change he faithful will remain…

This is the hymn that a 17-year old girl softly sang in hospital as she was being treated for a snapped neck that resulted in her becoming a quadriplegic. Years later she was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer.

This almost seems impossible - how can we patiently bear our suffering and still hold onto our beliefs of a sovereign and omnipotent God? It is certainly not easy.

As John Piper was struggling with a blood clot in his lung and later beared the pain of prostate cancer, he reflected on his days in hospital. From it he formulated 10 lessons he learnt while being treated which lead to this lovely book, Lessons from a hospital bed.

Piper gives practical advice on what to do and what not to do as you suffer through pain, sorrow, anxiety, impatience, helplessness and vulnerability, and sometimes even with a splash of humour! He states Biblical truths to remind us that our God is still sovereign, good and omnipotent. He gives spiritual guidance and comfort for when we don't know how or what to pray.

Nevertheless, he doesn't pass by the fact that we live in a broken and fallen world, groaning in anguish for Heaven. Pain and suffering is real and it’s an ugly business...but our God is on the throne.

Read this book - it is a beautiful and small gem that you will ponder over again and again.

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